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Archive for May, 2008

I Hate Shopping

May 4th, 2008 at 01:25 am

I really do hate shopping, I only try to go into stores to try things on to reconfim the size clothes I wear or to buy things I dont trust to buy over the net without seeing first hand ( fruits, meat etc). Which makes me a online shopper, sites like ebay and are my friends. ( I dont drive, so sadly I will shell out $10.00 to have food deliver unless I get a ride with a friend). But I am writing this blog for the many ladys and gents like me that shop online. I know of a few website that if you take a extra 10-20 mins to search thru their website for a store. You can get a precentage back over time or find coupons listed to use on the website. The guidelines are pretty, such as no discount back if item is returned. etcetc The 2 links below are the ones I have personallay used and as I find more I will post them up for everyone. Tell them refered you.

Ways to add to my $20 Challenge

May 4th, 2008 at 12:58 am

While at work today, and after finally taking to the future husband. I sat down and inbetween calls tried to came up with a way to add to my $20 savings. I figured to aim for $20 a month, and I know its not a little. But something is better then nothing, right? Anyways, so aim for $20 a month and over time try to aim for $20 semiweeky and then $20 weekly. And since I was getting ready to cut down as much cost as possible here is a few ideas to move money towards the Chanllenge.

My Rules
1. $1.00 for every 1lb, I lost for health reasons ( I stole this idea from someone else)
2. Add the cash to the pot from the Saving Cards/Coupon from stores.
3. Stash all loose or extra change in a tightly seal jar and put it towards this fund.
4. Since I am lowering my cell bill by $40 dollars a month and I get half off of my price anyways (i work for the company) put @ least $5.00 towards $20 pile. The rest into debts.
5. Take good use of 15 million cookbooks (more like 15) and make menus, or figure out something from whats in the house and boxes I got in storage.

these are a few of the ideas I had. I figure after me and the Boyfriend move n we can make a few goals together so we have something to aim towards. Then we can get a note to keep track of it in. That way we have a write copy we can both see and used when needed.

$20 Challenge First one

May 3rd, 2008 at 03:27 am

So i will admit I am giving myself a freebie on this one. But that is today its payday. so that $20 i didnt spend on something i dont even know I wanted yet. In the point you go

May 2, 2008: $20.00
Total: $20.00

Young Couple, Starting out together..

May 3rd, 2008 at 03:08 am

So, the boyfriend and I have decide to move in together. And while he has been busy, I have been looking for places to live four us. I think I have found the starter home, and ev if its a rental. It gives us some time to be alone, before adding on a roommate. But until I get that final "Yes, the house is yours". I have started some little things to try and save money. Cause we will need food and dishes, etcetc. First, I have been picking up the sundays paper and clipping out coupons and storing them away. That way we can save as much money on food as possible. I have also been putting away money to the side from each paycheck to account for buying dishes, pots and pans and the basic home needs to cook dinner, sleep etcetc. And lastly I have been working on a budget to accommadate for the bills that we will incurr. I have been doing overtime here and there to add extra to savings and monthly needs. for now thats is all I got...... Anyone got any ideas